Bibliografija, prof. dr. Dragan Mihailovi~a


  1. Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan, W. J. Siertsema:
    A multipurpose spectrometer interface,
    Comp. Enhanced Spectrosc. 1, 39-47 (1983).

  1. M.^opi~, D. Mihailovi}, M. Zgonik, M. Prester, K. Biljakovi}, B. Orel, N..Brni~evi}:
    Raman and infrared study of lattice vibrations in the high-Tc ceramic superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4,
    Solid State Commun. 64, 297-300 (1987). ISSN 0038-1098
  2. Mihailovi}, M. ^opi~, M. Zgonik, A. Novak:
    Raman and infrared study of YBa2Cu3O7-d ,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B1, 409-413. (1987).

  1. Mihailovi}, M. Zgonik, M. ^opi~, M. Hrovat:
    Quasiparticle excitations in the superconducting state observed in light scattering,
    Phys. Rev. B36, 3997-3999 (1987). ISSN 0163-1829

  1. Mihailovi}, M. Zgonik, R. Sasikumar, M. ^opi~:
    Evidence for surface structure changes in YBa2Cu3O7-d : Visible light reflectivity measurements,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys., 1063-1066 (1987).

  1. D.Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan:
    Antiferro-distortive structural phase transition in the Jahn-Teller system DyKMo2O8 II :Magnetic field dependence,
    J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 20, 3063 (1987).

  1. D.Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan, M. C. K. Wiltshire:
    Antiferrodistortive structural phase transition in the Jahn-Teller system DyKMo2O8,

J. Phys. C. : Solid State Phys..20, 3047 (1987).

  1. D.Westland, D. Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan, M. Scott:
    Optical time-of-flight measurement of carrier diffusion and trapping in a InGaAs/InP heterostructure,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 590-592 (1987).

  1. D.Mihailovi}, N. Brni~evi}:
    Anisotropy of quasiparticle Raman scattering in Yba2Cu3O7 single crystals,
    Physica C153-155, 147-148 (1988). ISSN 0921-4534

  1. Westland, D. Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan, M. D. Scott:
    Time-resolved photoluminescence measurement of carrier trapping time of InGaAs/InP quantum wells,
    Surf. Sci. 196, 399-403 (1988).

  1. Foster, K. F. Voss, T. W. Hagler, D. Mihailovi}, A. J. Heeger, M. M. Eddy, W. L. Olson, E. J. Smith:
    Infrared reflection of epitaxial TlBaCaCuO thin films in the normal and superconducting states,
    Solid State Communications, 76, 651-564 (1990). ISSN 0038-1098
  2. Mihailovi}, C. M. Foster:
    Anharmonicity and frequency shift of the apex oxygen O(4) RAMAN mode in YBaCuO as a function of doping,
    Sol. State Communications, 74, 753-756 (1990). ISSN 0038-1098
  3. Mihailovi}, C. M. Foster, K. Voss, A.J. Heeger:
    Application of the polaron-transport theory to *(w) in TlBaCaGdCuO, YBaCuO and LaSrCuO,
    Phys. Rev. B, 42, 7989-7997 (1990). ISSN 0163-1829

  1. Mihailovi}, Alan J. Heeger:
    Pyroelectric and piezoelectric effects in single crystals
    of YBaCuO,
    Sol. State Communications, 75, 319-323 (1990). ISSN 0038-1098
  2. Poberaj, D. Mihailovi}, S. Bernik:
    Room-temperature oxygen diffusion and ordering in YBaCuO studies with time-resolved Raman spectroscopy,
    Phys. Rev. B, 42, 393-398 (1990). ISSN 0163-1829

  1. D.Mihailovi~, C.M.Foster, K.F.Voss, T.Mertelj, I.Poberaj and N.Herron
    Anomalous shifts of oxygen mode frequencies in LaSrCuO, YBaCuO and TlCaGdBaCuO syudied by photoinduced infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy.
    Physical Review B 44, 237 (1991) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. K.F.Voss, C.M.Foster, L.Smilowitz, D.Mihailovi}, S.Askari, G.Srdanoc, Z.Ni, S.Shi, A.J.Heeger and F.Wudl
    Substitution effects on bipolarons in alkoxy derivatives of poly(1,4-phenylene-vinylene)
    Phys.Rev.B 43, 5109 (1991) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. D.Mihailovi~ and I.Poberaj
    Ferroelectricity in YBaCuO and LaCuO single crystals
    Physica C 185-189, 781 (1991) ISSN 0921-4534

  1. T.Mertelj, P.Stastny, F.C.Matacotta, P.Ganguly, C.U.Segre and D.Mihailovi~
    Superconductivity and charge transfer compensation by direct doping in LaCaBaCuO.
    Physica C 183, 11 (1991) ISSN 0921-4534

  1. I.Poberaj and D.Mihailovi}
    Pyroelectric effect meaurements on YBaCuO and LaCuO materials
    Ferroelectrics 128, 197 (1992)

  1. D.Mihailovic, K.F.McCarty and D.S.Ginley
    Anharmonicty of high-frequency O vibrations in YBCO, TlBaCaCuO and TlBaCaCuO deduced from high-temperature Raman spectra.
    Ferroelectrics, 129, 107 (1992)

  1. T.Mertelj, D.Mateev, F.C.Matacotta, D.Pal, P.Sastny, P.Nozar, Q.Jiang, D.Mihailovic and P.Ganguly.
    IR and Raman spectra of the new BaSrCuO(CO2) carbocuprate.
    Sol.Stat.Comm. 84, 1115 (1992) ISSN 0038-1098

  1. D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, K.F.Voss, A.J.Heeger and N.Herron,
    The origin of different critical temperatures in oxide superconductors: a comparison of (Tl,Cd)(Ba,La)CuO with LaCuO by Raman and infrared spectroscopy.
    Phys.Rev.B 45, 8016 (1992) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. D.Mihailovic, K.F.McCarty and D.S.Ginley
    Anharmonic effects and two-particle continuum in Raman scattering of YBa2Cu3O7-, TlBa2CaCu2O and Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 .
    Phys. Rev. B 47, 8910 (1993) . ISSN 0163-1829

  1. N.S.Sariciftci, V.M.Kobryanskii, M.Reghu, L.Smilowitz, C.Halvorson, T.W.Hagler, D.Mihailovic and A.J.Heeger.
    Spectroscopic studies of a soluble and stable polyacetylene blend.
    Synthetic Metals 53, 161 (1993)

  1. P.Venturini, D.Mihailovic, R.Blinc, P.Cevc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Abrami~, B.Zalar, H.Oshio, P.M.Allemand, A.Hirsch, F.Wudl,
    Magnetic resonance investigation of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
    Int.J.Mod.Phys.B 6, 3947 (1993)

  1. T.N.Thomas, J.F.Ryan, R.A.Taylor, D.Mihailovic and R.Zamboni,
    Time-resolved optical studies of photo-excited states in C60
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 6, 3931 (1993)

  1. T.Mertelj, D.Mihailovic, F.C.Matacotta, R.S.Liu, J.R.Cooper, I.Gameson and P.P.Edwards.
    Correlations between bond-lengths, Tc and o vibration frequencies: Raman and infared absorption study of 1212-structure (Ca,Y)Sr(Tl,Pb)CuO as a function of doping.
    Phys.Rev.B. 47, 12104 (1993) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. Yu, C.H.Lee, D.Mihailovic, A.J.Heeger, C.Fincher, N.Herron, E.M.McCarron
    Photoconductivity in Insulating YBa2Cu3O6+x From Mott-Hubbard Insulator to Fermi Glass via Oxygen Doping.
    Phys. Rev. B 48, 7545 (1993) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. D.Mihailovic and I.Poberaj
    Non-equilibrium electrons, holes and phonons in YBaCuO
    J.Phys.Chem.Sol. 54, 1315 (1993) ISSN 0022-3697

  1. D.Mihailovic, I.Poberaj and A.Mertelj
    Characterization of the pyroelectric effect in YBaCuO
    Phys. Rev. B 48, 16634 (1993) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. N.S.Sariciftci, A.J.Heeger, V.Krasevec, P.Venturini, D.Mihailovic, Y.Cao, J.Libert and J.L.Bredas.
    Symmetry Specific Electron-Phonon Coupling for Electronic Sates Near the Fermi Energy of Metallic Polyaniline: Resonant Raman Scattering.
    Synthetic Metals, 62, 107 (1993)

  1. T.Mertelj, A. Sundaresan, L.C.Gupta and M.Sharon and D.Mihailovic
    Frequency shifts of optical phonons due to size-effect induced charge transfer in Tl(Ba1-xSrxLa)CuO5
    Sol.Stat.Comm. 88, 271, 1993 ISSN 0038-1098

  1. G.Yu, C.H.Lee, D.Mihailovic, C.Fincher, N.Herron, E.M.McCarron and A.J.Heeger
    Electronic structure of insulating YBa2Cu3O7-d : from Mott-Hubbard insulator to Fermi glass via oxygen doping.
    J.Phys.Chem.Sol. 54, 1161 (1993)
  2. T.N.Thomas, R.A.Taylor, J.F.Ryan, D.Mihailovic, R.Zamboni
    Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoexcited Statese in C60.
    Europhys.Lett. 25, 403 (1994) ISSN 0295-5075

  1. D.Mihailovic, K.Lutar, A.Hassanien, P.Cevc and P.Venturini
    24K Magnetism in non-stoichiometric TDAE-C60.
    Sol.Stat.Comm. 89, 209 (1994) ISSN 0038-1098
  2. R.Blinc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini
    Proton NMR of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
    Sol.Stat.Comm. 89, 487 (1994) ISSN 0038-1098

  1. P.Cevc, R.Blinc, V.Er`en, D.Ar~on, B.Zalar, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini,
    Zero and low filed ESR of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
    Sol.Stat.Comm. 90, 543 (1994) ISSN 0038-1098

  1. P.Cevc, R.Blinc, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini, S.K.Hoffman and W.Hilczer
    Pulsed ESR study of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60
    Europhys.Lett 26, 707 (1994) ISSN 0295-5075

  1. R.Blinc, P.Cevce, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
    Time Decay of the Remanent Magnetization in TDAE-C60
    Phys.Rev.B. 50, 13051 (1994) ISSN 0163-1829

  1. I.Poberaj and D.Mihailovic
    Photoinduced optical phonon frequency shift in YBa2Cu3O7-d
    Physica C 235, 1159 (1994) ISSN 0921-4534
  2. D.Mihailovic and I.Poberaj
    Fermi glass carrier relaxation through the Anderson transition in YBa2Cu3O7-d investigated by ultrafast Raman scattering
    Physica C, 235, 1075 (1994) ISSN 0921-4534
  3. T.Mertelj D.Mihailovic, R.S.Liu, J.R .Cooper, I.Gameson, P.P. Edwards
    Asymmetry of the apical-oxygen vibration Raman lineshape in the Tl based 1212 systems
    Physica C 235, 1141, (1994) ISSN 0921-4534
  4. I.Poberaj, D.Mihailovic,
    Electron-phonon interactions of nonequilibrium charge carriers in YBa2Cu3O7-d investigated by picosecond resonance Raman spectroscopy
    Phys. Rev. B. 50, 6426 (1994) ISSN 0163-1829
  5. D.Mihailovic D.Arcon, P.Venturini, R.Blinc, A.Omerzu, P.Cevc
    Merohedral memory and magnetism in TDAE-C60.
    Science 268, 400 (1995) ISSN 0036-8075
  6. F.Bommelli L.Degiorgi, P.Wachter, D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, P.Venturini, M.Schreiber and Diederich
    The complete optical response of the magnetic fullerene derivative TDAE-C60
    Phys. Rev. B, 51, 1366 (1994) ISSN 0163-1829
  7. D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, I.Poberaj, J.Dem{ar and C.Chen,Carrier relaxation through localized states in metallic and insulating YBa2Cu3O7-d .
    Journal of Superconductivity, 8, (4), 531 (1995) ISSN 0896-1107
  8. D.Mihailovic, K.Pokhodnya, A.Omerzu, P.Venturini, R.Blinc, P.Cevc, F.Pratt and K.H.Chow.
    Ferromagnetic and merohedral ordering in powder and crystalline TDAE-C60
    Synthetic Metals 77, 281 (1995)
  9. D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, B.Podobnik, P.Canfield, Z.Fisk, C.Chen
    Evidence for polaronic states in metallic YBaCuO and LaSrCuO from ultrafast phonon Raman spectroscopy,
    Physica B, 219, 142 (1996)
  10. T.N.Thomas, C.J.Stevens, S.Choudhary, J.F.Ryan, D.Mihailovic, L.Foro, G.Wagner and J.E.Evetts
    Photoexcited Carrier trapping and relaxation in Bi2Sr2Ca1-yYyCu2O8 and YBa2Cu3O7-d: a study by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy.
    Phys. Rev. B 53, 12436 (1996) ISSN 0163-1829
  11. C.J.Stevens, D.C.Smith, B.Podobnik, C.Chen, J.F.Ryan, D.Mihailovic, G.Wagner and J.E. Evetts
    Evidence for two-component high-temperature superconductivity in YBaCuO from time-resolved studies of the superconducting gap function D(w,T)
    Physical Review Letters, conditionally accepted for publication (1995)
  12. R.Blinc, K.Pokhodnya, P.Cevc, D.Arcon, A.Omerzu, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
    Antiferrromagnetic correlations and Weak Ferromagnetism in TDAE-C60 single crystal
    Phys.Rev.Lett., 76, 523 (1996) ISSN 0031-9007
  13. A.Mrzel, B.Podobnik, P.Venturini, A.Hassanien
    Optical properties of highly luminescent fullerene derivatives
    Submitted to Chemical Physics Lett. (1995)
  14. A.Omerzu, D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, K.Pokhodnya, S.Tomic and N.Biskup
    Electrical conductivity in dynamically orientationally disordered systems: DC and AC conductivity measurements in TDAE-C60
    Phys.Rev.Lett., (1996)
  15. A.Mrzel, P.Cevc, A.Omerzu and D.Mihailovic
    The interplay between antiferromagnetic and feromagnetic phases of TDAE-C60: an ESR study of high-temperature annealed samples.
    Phys. Rev. B, 53, R2922 (1996) ISSN 0163-1829
  16. A.Mrzel, A.Mertelj, M.Copic, J.Skerjanc, P.Venturini, J.Cerar and D.Mihailovic,
    "Self-assemblying Fullerene Nanocapsules "
    Nature, submitted May 1996
  17. D.Arcon, J.Dolinsek, R.Blinc, K.Pokhodnia, A.Omerzu, D.Mihailovic, P. Venturini
    Proton NMR in a TDAE-C60 single crystal
    Phys. Rev.B. 53 (21) 14028 (1996)
  18. A.Hassanien, J.Gasperi~, J.Dem{ar and D.Mihailovi~,
    Atomic force microscope study of photo-polymerized and photo-dimerized epitaxial C60 films.
    Appl.Phys.Lett, submitted May 1996
  19. K. Pokhodnia, J. Demsar, A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, H.Kuzmany,
    Raman spectra on TDAE- C60 single crystals
    Physical Review B, submitted June 1996
  20. M.Zavrtanik, J.Dem{ar, D.Mihailovic, D.Zavrtanik, V.I.Dediu, F.C.Matacotta, G.Wagner and J.E.Evetts
    Photoresponse of Laser Patterned Y-Ba-Cu-O Microstrip Structures
    IEEE Trans. Superconductivty, (1996)


  1. Stepi{nik, V. Er`en, D. Mihailovi}, B. B. Lavren~i~, A. ^ade`:
    NMR imaging experiment in earth's magnetic field,
    Farm. vestn. 37, 135-137 (1986).

  1. Stepi{nik, V. Er`en, D. Mihailovi}:
    NMR imaging by earth's magnetic field,
    Proc. 8. Europ. Experimental NMR Conf., Spa (1986), 145-146.
    1. D. Mihailovi}
      An attempt at characterizing excitations of YBa2Cu3O7-s Observed in Raman scattering,
      10. AMPERE Summer School and Symp. "Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation : New Fields and Techniques", Portoro` (1988), 136-138.

  1. Westland, D. Mihailovi}, J. F. Ryan, M. Scott, P. A. Claxton:
    Energy relaxation and recombination of hot carriers in GaInAs/InP quantum walls using picosecond time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy,
    Proc. 18. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors / Ed. O.Engstrom. -Singapore World Sci., (1987), str. 465.
  2. Mihailovi}, J. [olmajer:
    Anomalous heating of the Cu-O vibrations in Raman spectra of Yba2Cu3O7-ë,
    "Electronic Structure of High-Tc Superconductors
    ", Ed. A. Bianconi, Pergamon Press (1989), 103-108. ISBN 0-08-037542-1

  1. Gasperi~, D. Mihailovi}, P. Panjan, E. Kari~, A.@abkar, S. Bernik:
    YBCO superconducting films on sapphire.
    Proc. Conf. " High Temper.Superconductors, Birmingham 1989
    Elektrotehn. vest., 57, 3, 103-108 (1990).

  1. Mihailovi}, I. Poberaj:
    Time resolved fluorescence study of photoinduced defect states in YBaCuO,
    Fizika, 34, 192 (1990).

  1. Poberaj, D. Mihailovi}:
    Room temperature oxygen diffusion in the presence of a potential gradient at a YBaCuO-YBaCuO interface,
    Fizika, 34, 190 (1990).

  1. D.Mihailovic
    Anharmonic effects in the apex O phonon in relation to the background continuum in the high-Tc cuprates.
    Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, 113, 452, Ed. H.Kuzmany, M.Mehring and J.Fink (Springer Verlag, 1993)

  1. D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, K.F.Voss, A.J.Heeger and N.Herron.
    The origin of different Tcs in oxide superconductors: a comparison of Tl2Ba2CuO6 and La2CuO4 by Raman and infrared absorption spectroscopy.
    Proc. Lattice Effects in High-Tc Superconductors, Editors Y.Bar-Yam, T.Egami, J.Mustre-de Leon and A.R.Bishop, 287 (World Scientific, 1993) ISBN 981-02-0970-3

  1. D.Mihailovic, K.F.McCarty and D.S.Ginley
    Higher-order effects in the apex O phonon self-energy investigated by Raman scattering experiments on 123, 1212 and 2212 structure materials.
    "Lattice Effects in High-Tc Superconductors", Editors Y.Bar-Yam, T.Egami, J.Mustre-de Leon and A.R.Bishop, 281 (World Scientific, 1993) ISBN 981-02-0970-3

  1. D.Mihailovic
    Optical investigations of High-Temperature superconducting cuprates
    Proc. Spring College in Condensed Matter on Superconductivity, Trieste, 27-19 June (World Scientific, 1995)

  1. T.N.Thomas, R.A.Taylor, J.F.Ryan, D.Mihailovic and R.Zamboni
    Femtosecond Time-Resolved Optical Studies of Photoexcited States in C60.
    "Electronic Structure of Fullerenes", Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth, M.Mehring, 292 (Springer, 1993) ISBN 3-540-57415-8

  1. A.Hassanien, T.Mrzel, P.Venturini, F.Wudl, D.Mihailovic, J.Gasperic, B.Kralj, D.Zigon, S.Mili~ev, A.Dem{ar
    Optical Properties of Some New Fulleroids and Fullerene Polymers.
    "Electronic Structure of Fullerenes", Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth, M.Mehring, 316 (Springer, 1993) ISBN 3-540-57415-8

  1. R.Blinc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
    NMR Study of Orientational Ordering in C60 and the Magnetic Transition in TDAE-C60.
    "Electronic Structure of Fullerenes", Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth, M.Mehring, 358 (Springer, 1993) ISBN 3-540-57415-8

  1. D.Mihailovic
    Photoexcited electrons and holes in YBa2Cu3O7-d : a study by picosecond Raman scattering.
    "Phase separation in cuprate superconductors" Eds. E. Sigmund and K.A.Muller p. 352-358 (Springer, 1994) ISBN 3-540-57681-9

  1. D.Mihailovi~ et al, "Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, Optical, Raman and infrared study on TDAE-C60
    S.Roth, p. 275 (World Scientific, 1994) ISBN 981-02-1887-7

  1. D.Mihailovic et al, "Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, Susceptibility above and below Tc in TDAE-C60
    S.Roth, p. 289 (World Scientific, 1994) ISBN 981-02-1887-7

  1. P.Venturini et al "Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, New fullerene charge transfer materials: a search for new magnetic materials and superconductors by ESR.
    S.Roth, p. 514 (World Scientific, 1994) ISBN 981-02-1887-7

  1. F.Milia et al
    Br NMR study of C60Br24-Br2

    "Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 470 (World Scientific, 1994) ISBN 981-02-1887-7

  1. R.Blinc et al,
    Pulsed ESR and NMR in magnetic TDAE-C60
    "Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 275 (World Scientific, 1994) ISBN 981-02-1887-7

  1. Memory effects in the ESR specxttra of TDAE-C60
    R.Blinc et al,
    Proc. 185th Electrochemical Soc. Meeting, San Francisco (1994)
  2. D.Mihailovic
    Electron-phonon interactions of non-equilibrium carriers in the photoinduced state of YBa2Cu3O7-d
    Eds. A.S.Alexandrov and N.F.Mott (Cambridge Univeersity Press, 1994) ISBN 0-521-48175-9
  3. D.Mihailovic et al,
    Localized states in photoinduced and metallic YBa2Cu3O7-d
    in "Anharmonic properties of high-Tc cuprates" Eds. D.Mihailovic, E.Kaldis, G.Ruani, K.A.Muller (World Scientific, 1995) ISBN 981-02-2180-0, p. 148
  4. I.Poberaj, T.Mertelj and D.Mihailovic
    Direct measurement of intrinsic apical oxygen potential in metallic and insultaing YBaCuO
    in "Anharmonic properties of high-Tc cuprates" Eds. D.Mihailovic, E.Kaldis, G.Ruani, K.A.Muller (World Scientific, 1995) ISBN 981-02-2180-0 p. 244
  5. T.Mertelj, D.Mihailovic, R.S. Liu, J.R.Cooper, I.Gameson, P.P.Edwards, A.Mawdsley
    Asymmetrical change of the apical oxygen vibration Raman lineshape as a function of doping in CaYSrTlPbCuO.
    in "Anharmonic properties of high-Tc cuprates" Eds. D.Mihailovic, E.Kaldis, G.Ruani, K.A.Muller (World Scientific, 1995) ISBN 981-02-2180-0 p. 240
  6. Hassanien, I. Mu{evi~, D. Mihailovi~ and A. Omerzu,
    Characterization of C60 and TDAE-C60 thin films with atomic force microscopy and DC conductivity measurements
    Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 489, Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  7. . D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, K.Pokhodnya, A.Omerzu, and P.Cevc
    Merohedral and magnetic ordering in powder and crystalline TDAE-C60Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 493 Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  8. R.Blinc, P.Cevc, D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, A.Omerzu, D.Arcon, K.Pokhodnya
    Single crystal ESR of the organic ferromagnet TDAE-C60
    Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 485 Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  9. F.Bommeli, L.Degiorgi, P.Wachter, D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, P.Venturini,
    The electrodynamic response of the magneticfullerene derivative TDAE-C60
    Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 493 Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  10. P.Venturini, A.Mrzel, D.Mihailovi~, A.Hassanien
    Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in organically doped fullerenes: A search for higher TCS
    Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 508 Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  11. P.Cevc, R.Blinc, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, Z.Trontelj, J.Lu`nik,Z.Jagli~i~ and J.Pirnat,
    SQUID Determination of the time decay of the remanent magnetization in TDAE-C60
    Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, p. 493 Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth and J.Fink (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) ISBN 091-02-2380-3
  12. R.Blinc, P.Cevc, D.Arcon, D.Mihailovic, A.Omerzu and P.Venturini
    Antiferromagnetism and Ferromagnetism in TDAE-C60 Single Crystals
    Electronic Properties of Novel Materials on Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, (World Scientific, 1996)
  13. I.Golic, P.Cevc, D.Arcon, D.Mihailovic, A.Omerzu, P.Venturini
    Crystal Structure and ESR of a TDAE-C60 Single Crystal
    Electronic Properties of Novel Materials on Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, (World Scientific, 1996)
  14. D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, A.Mrzelj, A.Mertelj and P.Venturini.
    Self-organization properties of C$_{60}$ in solid and in solution: an AFM study of photo-polymerized epitaxial thin films and micellar structures in solution.
    Electronic Properties of Novel Materials on Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, (World Scientific, 1996)
  15. M.Tokumoto, K.Tanaka, T.Sato, Y.Yamabe, A.Omerzu, K.Pokhodnia, D.Mihailovic
    Magnetic Properties of Powder and Crystalline TDAE-C60
    Electronic Properties of Novel Materials on Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, (World Scientific, 1996)
  16. C.J.Stevens, T.N.Thomas, S.Choudary, J.F.Ryan, D.Mihailovic, L.Forro
    Carrier relaxation and localization in BiSrYCuO and YBaCuO: a study by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy.
    Proc. SPIE, "Photonics West" (1996)
  17. M.Zavrtanik, J.Dem{ar, D.Mihailovic, D.Zavrtanik, V.I.Dediu, F.C.Matacotta, G.Wagner and J.E.Evetts
    Photoresponse of Laser Patterned Y-Ba-Cu-O Microstrip Structures
    Proc. Applied Superconductivity Conf., Pittsburg (1996)


"Anharmonic properties of high-Tc cuprates" Eds. D.Mihailovic, E.Kaldis, G.Ruani, K.A.Muller (World Scientific, 1995) ISBN 981-02-2180-0


  1. Int. Conf. on "Low Dimensional Systems" Dubrovnik, (1989)

  1. Spring College on Superconductivity, ICTP, Trieste, (Dec. 1991)

  1. 7. Workshop on High-Temperature Superconductors, Planneralm (February, 1992)

  1. "Lattice Effects in High-Temperature Superconductors", Santa Fe, (Feb. 1992)

  1. Spring College in Condensed Matter on Superconductivity, ICTP, Trieste, 27-19 (June, 1992)

  1. "Spectroscopies of Novel Superconductors" Santa Fe, (Mar. 1993)

  1. Gordon Research Conference on "Organic Conductors", Il Ciocco (May, 1993)

  1. Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Cottbus, Germany (Sept. 1993)

  1. "Workshop on polarons and bipolarons in high-Tc superconductors and related materials" Cambridge, (1994)
  2. "Anharmonic Properties of High-Tc Cuprates", Bled, (1994)
  3. "From Weak to Strong Coupling in electronic Systems", Euroconference and ISI Advanced Research Workshop, Torino (1994),
  4. "High-temperature supreconductivity" Miami (January, 1995)
  5. Euroconference on "Dynamic properties of high-Tc superconductors", (Torino, May, 1995)
  6. E-MRS: Meeting of the European Materials Society, (Strassbourg, 1995)
  7. "Phonons '95", Sapporo, (July, 1995)
  8. ISCOM'95: International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets, Mittelberg, Austria (September, 1995)

  1. SPIE Conference "Spectroscopic Studies of Superconductors" (1996)
  2. "Stripe phases and lattice instabilities" Rome (1996)
  3. W.Pauli and P.Saherer Colloquium, na vabilo prof. K.A.Muller-ja, Skupni kolokvij ETH in univerze v Zurichu. (1996)
  4. International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials on Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, Kirchberg (1996)
  5. "Materials Aspects of High-Tc Superconductivity", Delphi, (1996)
  6. International Conference on Science and Technology of Materials, (ICSM), Utah, ZDA, (1996)


1. S. Kopa~, J. Pir{, I. Mu{evi~, B. Marin, M. ^opi~, M. Zgonik, D. Mihailovi}:
Naprava za izdelavo rastrov,
Patent, rubrum {t. 02089 (1988).

2. S. Kopa~, J. Pir{, I. Mu{evi~, B. Marin, M. ^opi~, M. Zgonik, D. Mihailovi}:
Laser ruling apparatus,
EU pat. 89 120 787.0 ; YU P 2089 (1988).

  1. Postopek za lo~itev fulerenov
    P.Venturini, A.Mrzel, D.Mihailovi~ Patentna prijava SLO 9200284 (1992)
  2. Postopek za enkapsuliranje fulerenov in njihovih derivatov
    D.Mihailovic , A.Mrzel in P.Venturini (1996)