* Date of birth: 21 November 1966
* Place of birth: Ljubljana, Slovenia
* Nationality: Slovene
* Marital status: married, wife Andreja
* Dependents: son Rok
* e-mail:peter.venturini@ijs.si


Ph.D. in chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Subject of the thesis: Sinteza in raziskave lastnosti novih materialov na osnovi fulerenov 
                                        ( Synthesis and characterization of new fullerene materials)        
B.Sc. in chemistry, Faculty of Chemistrys, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Subject of the thesis: Klasifikacija bioloske aktivnosti inhibitorjev dihidrofolne reduktaze z metodo nevronskih mrez.
                                         (Classification of biological activity of dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors with neuron network)


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