In this work I present an investigation of a number of novel materials
based on the fullerenes. My research started with the successful
synthesis and separation of fullerene C60. I synthesized
the magnetic material TDAE-C60 and studied its optical
and magnetical properties. I discovered that orientational ordering
of C60 molecules, at around 170 K is directly coupled
to spin ordering at 16 K and is crucial for understanding of magnetism
in this material. Doping C60 with other electron donors
I found no improves at the magnetic properties in this materials
compared to TDAE-C60. Therefore the properties of C60
molecule were changed with the synthesis of its derivatives. I
performed the cyclo addition of diazo compounds, radical and Fridel
Crafts reactions and also brominations on C60. In described
ways I synthesized a series of mono and poly adducts of C60.
I synthesized and characterized charge transfer complexes of C60
derivatives with TDAE and cobaltocene and found different types
of magnetic behavior in those materials. The temperature dependence
of ESR showed a Curie-Weiss type of behavior for some materials.
In the other materials, however, magnetic transitions were observed
with a ferro- or antiferro-magnetic spin coupling below the temperature
of the magnetic transition. Two materials are showing a cusp,
similar to TDAE-C60, in the low temperature static
magnetic susceptibility. Complex
shows magnetic transition with Tc = 8 K and
with Tc = 28 K, the latter being the highest of the
organic materials reported so far. We measured also luminescence
of the synthesized C60 derivatives and observed that
the luminescence in the monoadducts is similar to C60.
However, enhanced luminescence was observed in polyphenylated
derivatives obtained with radical and Friedel Crafts reaction,
which could be compared even to the luminescence of a laser dye.
Results of absorption and luminescence measurement showed, that
electronic properties of C60 monoadducts are quite
similar to C60, whereas in case of polyadducts differences
are more profound.