
1. Magnetic resonance investigation of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
P.Venturini, D.Mihailovic, R.Blinc, P.Cevc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Abrami~, B.Zalar, H.Oshio, P.M.Allemand, A.Hirsch, F.Wudl,
Int.J.Mod.Phys.B, 6, 3947 (1992).

2. Optical Properties of Some New Fulleroids and Fullerene Polymers.
A.Hassanien, T.Mrzel, P.Venturini, F.Wudl, D.Mihailovic, J.Gasperic, B.Kralj, D.Zigon, S.Mili~ev, A.Dem{ar
"Electronic Structure of Fullerenes", Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth, M.Mehring, 316 (Springer, 1993)

3. NMR Study of Orientational Ordering in C60 and the Magnetic Transition in TDAE-C60.
R.Blinc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
"Electronic Structure of Fullerenes", Eds. H.Kuzmany, S.Roth, M.Mehring, 358 (Springer, 1993)

4. 24 K Magnetism in non-stoichiometric TDAE-C60.
D.Mihailovic, K.Lutar, A.Hassanien, P.Cevc and P.Venturini
Sol.Stat.Comm. 89, 209 (1994)

5. Proton NMR of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
R.Blinc, J.Dolin{ek, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini
Sol.Stat.Comm. 89, 487 (1994)

6. Zero and low filed ESR of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60.
P.Cevc, R.Blinc, V.Er`en, D.Ar~on, B.Zalar, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini,
Sol.Stat.Comm. 90, 543 (1994)

7. Pulsed ESR study of the magnetic transition in TDAE-C60
P.Cevc, R.Blinc, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini, S.K.Hoffman and W.Hilczer
Europhys.Lett 26, 707 (1994)

8. Time Decay of the Remanent Magnetization in TDAE-C60
R.Blinc, P.Cevce, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
Phys.Rev.B. 50, 13051 (1994)

9. Symmetry-specific electron-phonon coupling for electronic states near the Fermi energy of metallic polyaniline: resonant Raman scattering
N.S.Sariciftci, A.J.Heeger, V.Krasevec, P.Venturini, D.Mihailovic, Y.Cao, J.Libert, J.L.Bredas
Synthetic Metals
62, 107 (1994).

10. Optical, Raman and infrared study on TDAE-C60
D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini, A.Hassanien, J.Gasperi~, K.Lutar, S.Mili}ev
"Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 275 (World Scientific, 1994)

11. Susceptibility above and below Tc in TDAE-C60
D.Mihailovic, V.Kra{evec, D.Ar~on, K.Lutar, P.Venturini, P.Cevc
"Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 289 (World Scientific, 1994)

12. New fullerene charge transfer materials: a search for new magnetic materials and superconductors by ESR.
P.Venturini, V.Kra{evec, D.Mihailovi~, E.Eiermann, G.Srdanov, N.S.Sariciftci, C.Li, F.Wudl
"Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 514 (World Scientific, 1994)

13. Br NMR study of C60Br24-Br2
F.Milia, G.Papavassiliou, A.Leventis, G.Papantopoulos, P.Venturini, D.Mihailovic, J.Pirnat, R.Blinc
"Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 470 (World Scientific, 1994)

14. Pulsed ESR and NMR in magnetic TDAE-C60
R.Blinc, P.Cevc, D.Ar~on, J.Dolin{ek, D.Mihailovi~ and P.Venturini
"Progress in Fullerene Research" Ed.s H.Kuzmany, J.Fink, M.Mehring, S.Roth, p. 275 (World Scientific, 1994)

15. Memory effects in the ESR spectra of TDAE-C60
R.Blinc, P.Cevc, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovi~, P.Venturini,
Proc. 185th Electrochemical Soc. Meeting, San Francisco (1994)

16. Merohedral memory and magnetism in TDAE-C60.
Science 268, 400 (1995)

17. The complete optical response of the magnetic fullerene derivative TDAE-C60
F.Bommeli, L.Degiorgi, P.Wachter, D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, P.Venturini, M.Schreiber, D.Diederich,
Phys. Rev. B 51, 1366 (1994)

18. Merohedral and magnetic ordering in powder and crystalline TDAE-C60
D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, K.Pokhodnya, A.Omerzu, and P.Cevc
Proc. Int. Workshop on Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, (World Scientific, 1995)

19. Single crystal ESR of the organic ferromagnet TDAE-C60
R.Blinc, P.Cevc, D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, ,A.Omerzu, D.Arcon, K.Pokhodnya
Proc. Int. Workshop on Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, (World Scientific, 1995)

20. The electrodynamic response of the magneticfullerene derivative TDAE-C60
F.Bommeli, L.Degiorgi, P.Wachter, D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, P.Venturini,
Proc. Int. Workshop on Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, (World Scientific, 1995)

21. Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in organically doped fullerenes: A search for higher TCS
P.Venturini, A.Mrzel, D.Mihailovi~, A.Hassanien
Proc. Int. Workshop on Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, (World Scientific, 1995)

22. SQUID Determination of the time decay of the remanent magnetization in TDAE-C60
P.Cevc, R.Blinc, D.Ar~on, D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, Z.Trontelj, J.Lu`nik,Z.Jagli~i~ and J.Pirnat,
Proc. Int. Workshop on Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives, (World Scientific, 1995)

23. Ferromagnetic and merohedral ordering in powder and crystalline TDAE-C60
D.Mihailovic, K.Pokhodnya, A.Omerzu, P.Venturini, R.Blinc, P.Cevc, F.Pratt and K.H.Chow.
Synthetic Metals 77, 281 (1996)

24. Antiferrromagnetic correlations and Weak Ferromagnetism in TDAE-C60 single crystal
R.Blinc, K.Pokhodnya, P.Cevc, D.Arcon, A.Omerzu, D.Mihailovic, P.Venturini, Z.Trontelj,
J.Luznik, Z.Jeglicic and J.Pirnat
Phys.Rev.Lett. 76, 523 (1995)

25. Self-organization properties of C60 in solid and in solution: an AFM study of photo-polymerized epitaxial thin films and micellar structures in solution
D.Mihailovic, A.Hassanien, A.Mrzel, A.Mertelj, P.Venturini, I.Musevic and A.Omerzu
Proc. IWEPNM, Kirchberg 1996

26. Proton NMR in a TDAE-C60 single crystal
A.Arcon, J.Dolinsek, R.Blinc, A.Omerzu, D.Mihailovic and P.Venturini
Phys.Rew.B (to be published in june 1996)

Last update Apr 10 1996