
  1. Anomalous shifts of oxygen mode frequencies in La2-xSrxCuO4, YBa2Cu3O7-d, and Tl2Ba2Ca1-xGdxCu2O8 studied by photoinduced infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy, D. Mihailovic, C. M. Foster, H. F. Voss, T. Mertelj, I. Poberaj and N. Herron, Phys. Rev. B 44, 237 (1991).

  2. Superconductivity and charge transfer compensation by direct doping in the La1+xCayBa2-x-yCu3O7+d system, T. Mertelj, P. Stastny, F. C. Matacotta, P. Ganguly, C. U. Segre and D. Mihailovic, Physica C 183, 11 (1991).

  3. Origin of different critical temperatures in oxide superconductors: A comparison of (Tl,Cd)2(Ba,La)2CuO6 with (La,Ba)2CuO4 by Raman and infrared absorption spectroscopy, D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, K. F. Voss, A. J. Heeger and N. Herron, Phys. Rev. B 45, 8016 (1992).

  4. A Layered Perovskite With Alternating Cu-O2 and C-O planes, F.C.Matacotta, D.Pal, T.Mertelj, P.Stastny, P.Nozar and P.Ganguly, Solid State Communications 84, 781 (1992).

  5. IR and Raman Spectra of the new Ba1.5Sr0.5CuO3+x(CO2)y carbocuprate, T. Mertelj, D. Mateev, F. C. Matacotta, D. Pal, P. [tasny, P. Nozar, Q. Jiang, D. Mihailovic, P. Ganguly, Sol. Stat. Comm. 84, 1115 (1992).

  6. Origin of different critical temperatures in oxide superconductors: A comparison of (Tl,Cd)2(Ba,La)2CuO6 with (La,Ba)2CuO4 by Raman and infrared absorption spectroscopy, D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, K. F. Voss, A. J. Heeger and N. Herron, v Proceedings of "Lattice Effects in High Tc Superconductors", Santa Fe, January 13-15 1992, uredniki: Y. Bar-Yam, T. Egami, J. Mustre-de Leon, A. R. Bishop, (World Scientific, Singapore 1993).

  7. Correlations between bond-lengths, Tc and O vibration frequencies: Raman and infrared absorption study of 1212-structure Ca1-yYySr2(Tl0.5Pb0.5)Cu2O7 as a function of doping, T. Mertelj, D. Mihailovic, F. C. Matacotta, R. Liu, J. R. Cooper, I. Gameson and P. P. Edwards, Phys. Rev. B 47, 12104 (1993).

  8. Frequency Shifts of Optical Pohonons due to Size-effect Induced Charge Transfer in Tl(Ba1-xSrxLa)CuO5, T. Mertelj, A. Sundaresan, L.C. Gupta, M. Sharon D. Mihailovic, Solid State Communications 88, 271 (1993).

  9. Asymmetry of the apical-oxygen vibration Raman lineshape in the Tl based 1212 systems, T. Mertelj, D. Mihailovic, R.S. Liu, J.R. Cooper, I. Gameson, and P.P. Edwards, Physica C 235-240, 1141 (1994).

  10. Asymmetry Change of the Apical Oxygen Vibration Raman Lineshape as a Function of Doping in Ca1-yYySr2(Tl0.5+xPb0.5-x)Cu2O7, T.Mertelj, D. Mihailovic, R.S. Liu, J.R. Cooper, I. Gameson, and P.P. Edwards, A. Mawdsley, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Anharmonic Properties of High Tc Cuprates, Editors: D. Mihailovic, G. Ruani, E. Kaldis, K.A. Müller, 240 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995).

  11. Localized states in photoinduced and metallic YBa2Cu3O7-d, D. Mihailovic, I. Poberaj, T.Mertelj, J. Demsar, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Anharmonic Properties of High Tc Cuprates, Editors: D. Mihailovic, G. Ruani, E. Kaldis, K.A. Müller, 148 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995).

  12. Direct measurement of intrinsic apical oxygen potential in metallic and insulating YBa2Cu3O7-d, I. Poberaj, T.Mertelj, D. Mihailovic, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Anharmonic Properties of High Tc Cuprates, Editors: D. Mihailovic, G. Ruani, E. Kaldis, K.A. Müller, 244 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995).

  13. Carrier relaxation through localized states in metallic and insulating YBa2Cu3O7-d, D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, I.Poberaj, J.Dem{ar and C.Chen, Journal of Superconductivity 8, 531 (1995).

  14. Evidence for polaronic states in metallic YBa2Cu3O6.9 and La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 from ultrafast phonon Raman spectroscopy, D.Mihailovic, T.Mertelj, B.Podobnik, P.Canfield, Z.Fisk, C.Chen, Physica B 219&220, 142 (1996).

  15. Photoexcited carrier relaxation and localization in Bi2Sr2Ca1-yYyCu2O8 and YBa2Cu3O7-d: A study by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, T.N. Thomas, C.J. Stevens, A.J.S. Choudary, J.F. Ryan, D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, L. Forro, G. Wagner, J.E. Evetts, Phys. Rev. B53, 12436 (1996).

  16. Localized states within 2 eV of EF  in metallic YBa2Cu3O7-d deduced from the carrier relaxation dynamics, T. Mertelj, J Demsar, B. Podobnik, D. Mihailovic, Spectroscopies Studies of Superconductors, Editors: I. Bozovic, D. van der Marel, SPIE 2696, 242 (1996).

  17. Photoexcited carrier relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7-d by picosecond resonant Raman spectroscopy, T. Mertelj, J.Demsar, B. Podobnik, I. Poberaj and D. Mihailovic, Phys. Rev. B55, 6061 (1997).

  18. a-b plane optical conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7-d above and below T*, D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, K. A. Müller, Phys. Rev. B57, 6116 (1998).

Ljubljana, Mar. 5, 1998

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