Dr. Dragan D. Mihailovic, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana

Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory , F5
Institut Jozef Stefan,
Jamova 39, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel. +386 (0)61 177 3729
FAX. +386 (0)61 125 1077

* E-mail: Dragan.Mihailovic@ijs.si

* Personal information:

Present status : Senior research fellow at Jozef Stefan Institute, and Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana, leading a group working on spectroscopy of oxide High-Temperature Superconductors, Fullerenes and their derivatives. The focus of the group are optical studies, more specifically Raman scattering in the visible and near infrared region, infrared absorption, time-resolved Raman (subpicosecond) spectroscopy, time-resolved (femtosecond) photoinduced absorption, as well as electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR), magnetic susceptibility and transport measurements.

Current research projects held:

  1. "Research into high-temperature superconductors" (1994-1997) J1-0111-0106, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia
  2. "Ultrafast optoelectronics of high-temperature superconductors and related materials" EU- project in the PECO'93 programme (1994-1997)
  3. ULTRAFAST TMR Network, "Ultrafast processes in semiconductors and related materials" EU 4th Framework programme, (1994-1997)
  4. SELMAT TMR Network "Synthetic electroactive materials" funded by the European Commission (1994-1997)
  5. US-Slovenian project: "Synthesis and Properties of New Fullerene Based Materials.(1995-98)


Last 3 years: more than 40 published scientific papers in refereed international journals and 20 invited talks

Total: more than 100 publications with over 350 citations (as of 1995).

Recent publications:


TDAE-C60 (below) is an organic ferromagnet below 16 K, whose properties were extensively investigated within this group. Single crystals of this material were grown successfuly (in 1995) and its optical, magnetic and transport properties were investigated. The orientational order of the C60 molecules was found to play a major role in determining its properties.